The Importance of Treating Sprained Ankles
In an “instant gratification” world, it is not really surprising to know people will try to find shortcuts in all kinds of areas. This might be okay some of time—like when you oversleep and pick up your morning coffee from local Dallas shops like Cultivar Coffee or Roots Coffeehouse on the way to work—but there are certainly times when it should not be practiced. A prime example of this is seen in the field of podiatry: taking shortcuts in sprained ankle treatment is not a good idea!
These common injuries might be considered “not a big deal” by many people, but it is important to treat ankle sprains carefully to prevent future issues.
Sprained ankles are some of the most common injuries humans can sustain. In part, this stems from the fact we rely on our ankles so often. They enable us to move, walk, stand, and even operate the gas pedals in our car, after all. Besides their frequent use, it doesn’t really take all that much for these injuries to happen.
The bones making up the ankle joints—the tibia, fibula, talus, and calcaneus—are all connected with ligaments to secure everything in place. These connective tissues do a remarkable job, but they can become injured when stretched beyond their intended range (which only takes a misstep to happen).
The importance of sprained ankle treatment is twofold. First, care is needed to address present symptoms. These include pain, swelling, and restricted motion. Fortunately, conservative (nonsurgical) treatment options are usually quite effective, which is good news for the many men and women who get this injury. Additionally, proper treatment and aftercare is necessary to prevent future, recurrent issues.
A sprained ankle that is subjected to intense activity before it is completely healed can ultimately develop a chronic condition. Chronic ankle instability means the ligaments are weak and susceptible to frequent ankle sprains. This risk can be reduced by allowing an ankle to heal completely before intense activity. Notice the repeated word intense. While the previous school of thought had rest as a key part of healing, current studies indicate some light-to-moderate activity might actually help the healing processes.
Of course, that is something we can discuss when you come to see us here at Dallas Podiatry Works for your sprained ankle treatment! Contact us for more information by calling 972.853.7100. While on the line, you can schedule an appointment with either our Dallas or Plano, TX offices, or you can request one now on our website.