Foot Doctor in Dallas, TX, Explains Turf Toe & How to Avoid It
Our foot doctor in Dallas, TX, loves sports in all seasons! Whether your own favorite springtime sport is baseball, softball, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, or something different, our team at Dallas Podiatry Works is here to remind you to take great care of your feet when you’re out kicking, throwing, or hitting that ball. In particular, our Dallas foot doctor urges you to be careful of every athlete’s bane – turf toe.
What Is Turf Toe? Our Foot Doctor in Dallas, TX, Explains!
What Is Turf Toe?
Turf toe is the nickname given to an injury in your big toe. When you repeatedly bend your big toe upwards, the continuous strain can create a sprain in your big toe joint. Common actions that can sprain your big toe include jumping and pushing off your toe at the start of a sprint.
Turf toe has gotten its name in part from the sport that causes the injury the most – football. The artificial turf frequently found on football fields affects feet more than natural grass. However, athletes in other sports and on other playing surfaces are also at risk.
Turf Toe Symptoms
If your big toe is painful, swelling, and difficult to move, then you may have turf toe. Typically these symptoms will come on gradually rather than all at once – this is because the injury is usually created over time from repetitive action. That being said, it is also possible to get turf toe quickly from a sudden trauma to the foot.
If you have these symptoms, you should visit an experienced foot doctor in Dallas, TX, to rule out the possibility of a broken toe and confirm that you do indeed have turf toe.
What Is the Treatment for Turf Toe?
Turf toe can usually be treated the same way any other sprain heals… with rest, ice, compression, and elevation. If your injury doesn’t heal with these conservative measures, you should speak with your Dallas, TX, foot doctor to discuss alternative treatments.
How Can You Avoid Turf Toe?
The best way to protect yourself from turf toe is to wear proper footwear with good foot support. If your shoes are too flexible, this raises your chance of injury. You can also speak with your foot doctor in Dallas, TX, to find out if custom orthotics would help reduce the likelihood of getting turf toe.
Want to Know More About Turf Toe? Call Our Expert Foot Doctor in Dallas, TX!
If you believe you are suffering from turf toe, our experienced Dallas foot doctor can help you reduce or eliminate your pain and restore your mobility. Call Dallas Podiatry Works for an appointment today!
The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to podiatry, feel free to contact Dallas Podiatry Works, with a convenient podiatry office near Dallas, TX, by clicking here or by calling 972.853.7100.